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July 2008

I have successfully passed my ITIL V3 Foundations Certification !

ITIL is a framework which allows IT Managers to standardize the IT processes which aim at satisfying the demand of their system's customers and/or end-users.

In order to meet customer's needs, ITIL organises the lifecycle of IT Services which are delivered by IT.

The IT department can supply several types of "services", for instance :
  • Applications (SAP, CRM, Document Management)
  • Purchasing of IT material (PCs, printers...)
  • Help Desk, Call Center
  • Internet Services (Home Banking system for a bank for instance)
  • Hardware Installation
  • Printing
  • ...
ITIL gives guidelines on how to organize the professional delivery of those "IT services".

ITIL V3' service life cycle defines 5 "steps":
  • Service Strategy : it defines which services the IT department should provide
  • Service Design : it defines what the delivered services are and how they are realized
  • Service Transition : it determines how a designed service is put into production
  • Service Operation : it describes how services have to be run in production (according to their specifications and their Service Level Agreements)
  • Continual Improvement : a set of processes to improve the life cycle realization

Last Weekend we did quiet some cycling in Flanders.

On saturday we did the "Limburgse Rivierenland" tour in Halen. It was supposed to be 52 Km. We did 63 and we even did a shortcut at the end.

On sunday we went to Herentals and we followed what is called the "EcoCyclo". There the KM were correct and it was 46 Km. We started from Herenthout and we used the following "KnoopPunten " :

Herenthout - 45 - 46 - 47 - 9 - 10 - 8 - 15 (Let op: we rijden niet volledig tot aan 15. Neem een kijkje aan de watermolen. Het is een waardevol monument. Daarna keer je terug naar 8.) - 19 - 18 - 14 - Hidrodoe - Van Hidrodoe rijd je terug naar de knooppuntenroute. Sla echter niet af naar links richting knooppunt 14, maar blijf rechtdoor rijden. Volg de pijltjes richting Centrum. - 12 - 60 - 62 - 65 - 66 - 43 - 44 - 45
If you search Biking Roads in Belgium I stongly recommend you this website http://www.fietsroute.org/.

Le site Internet pour Paul Leroy se trouve sous mon nom de domaine. Nous y travaillons de temps en temps en buvant un bonne bière. Nous l'avons mis à jour cette semaine:
  • Il y a un nouveau menu pour faciliter la navigation.
  • Paul a également mis des nouveaux tableaux en ligne sur PicasaWeb.
Allez jetter un coup d'oeil : http://pleroy.lowas.be/

Made with Slideshow Embed Tool
Moi j'aimais bien skynet pour la météo facile a trouver et facile a lire pour les prévisions à dix jours. Il y avait une colonne bleue à gauche avec toutes les possibilités skynet dont la météo. C'était facile et efficace.

Evidement il y a quelqu'un qui a trouvé que c'était mieux de changer. Essayez maintenant d'aller sur http://www.skynet.be/ et trouvez-moi la météo. Bonne chance !

Comme dirait l'autre : "Si je connaissais le con qu'a fait sauter le pont..."
Information Architecture is about structuring information to make it
easy to find. When it's easy to find products on your website, people
will buy more. When it's easy to find information on your Intranet,
employees will save time and have the knowledge they need. Information
Architects are specialized in understanding problems that people face
when looking for information and designing ways to fix those problems.

bookmarks tagged startpage by jfdeclercq Dans cette caméra cachée, François L?embrouille se fait passer pour un parent d?élève et piège un professeur d?histoire géographie. Il raconte qu?il est à fond dans les jeux vidéo et que lui et son fils jouent des heures et des heures san

Dans cette caméra cachée, François L?embrouille se fait passer pour un parent d?élève et piège un professeur d?histoire géographie. Il raconte qu?il est à fond dans les jeux vidéo et que lui et son fils jouent des heures et des heures san

Merriam Webster's dictionary defines rainmaker as "a person (such as a partner in a law firm) who brings in new business or whose influence can initiate progress or ensure success." In short, a rainmaker is someone that makes things happen, someone who initiates action that ultimately brings in new business and revenue.

Rainmakers take a 'big picture' view of their customers business. Rather than focus on specific IT projects, they look at the overall state of the client's industry, company and LOB. Some characteristics of a rainmaker include the following: pro-active, results-oriented, patient, driven, conscientious, good listener, active listener, empathetic, sympathetic, curious, knowledgeable, engaged, confident, incisive, inquiring, flexible, visionary, creative, positive, optimistic, and collaborative.

If you want the artists you like to continue to produce, you have to support them. Here are the 4 latest CDs I have bought :
  • Mix Mania 2008 Vol 3
  • Milk Inc - Forever
  • Tiesto - In search of sunrise 7 (Asia)
  • Dany Brillant - Best Of

Something I found by accident yesterday : Wordle.

Wordle draws a tag cloud for you from a text or rss feed.

I let it run on my CV and here is the result :

Than I run it on my delicious tags :

I like it.

June 2008

Dans cette caméra cachée, François L?embrouille se fait passer pour un parent d?élève et piège un professeur d?histoire géographie. Il raconte qu?il est à fond dans les jeux vidéo et que lui et son fils jouent des heures et des heures san
Dans cette camera cachee, Francois L embrouille se fait passer pour un parent d eleve et piege un professeur d'histoire geographie. Il raconte qu il est a fond dans les jeux video et que lui et son fils jouent des heures et des heures...
Yesterday we had fun at the Party @ the pool.

I use Google Maps to prepare my biking tours.

You start by adding your starting-point than you plan your itineray by clicking on "Add destination".

See an example here of the bike tour I just did tonight.
Le laptop de mes rêves...
You have different Widgets systems that you can use on your desktop : Vista Gadgets, Google Deskbar... My preferred one is the Yahoo! Widgets.

Have a look here (or click on the image):

The widgets I use are ImageView, Yahoo! Weather, Yahoo! Mail Checker, Gmail Monitor, Digital Clock and Calendar.
Today I took pictures without the SD card in my Camera...

Result : no picture taken.
Et Trezeguet et Cisse non plus...

Voir ici sur dailymotion

As for the last World Cup, Mireille and I make our best guesses for the Euro 2008.

We both selected 3 teams that we think can win :

  • Mireille : Italy, Spain, Portugal
  • J-F : France, Germany, Turkey
Maybe it can sound weird to you but it has been a long time I have been searching for that information and now I eventually find it : a good list of existing mountain bike routes in Belgium.

You can find it here :
Yesterday I sent an invitation to join StumbleUpon to all my Yahoo! contacts. It was not my intention, it was a mistake from me.

I want to apologize for having spammed you !

Nevertheless some of you (about 10) have joined StumbleUpon, I'm very grateful for the trust.

StumbleUpon is really a cool system and if you actually use it we can exchange what we find cool or interestig on the web.

So, once again sorry for the spam...
On the right colomn of my "In JF mind today" blog, You'll find a question I want you to respond in a poll :

What matters in life ?

Why are we here ?

Take 20 seconds to answer. Closing of the poll at the end of the year...
What do you think if you have a look at this video of the ePaper version of Les Echos ?

I think it's just great. If you add that you can use the Iliad as a Notepad (you can write also!), that you can upload PDF documents like reports, Presentations... It makes of it a great business tool.

I'm really hesitating : Should I buy it ? There is an interesting package with l'Equipe for this summer.
According to an IBM survey SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) is still in the radar of the majority of customers:

  • 73 percent of customers indicated their CEO understands the business value of SOA; more than half say their IT staff is meeting once per month or more with business managers they support.
  • 45 percent of customers indicated they spent between 10 percent and 29 percent of their 2007 IT budgets on SOA.
Read the complete article on CNN Money's website
Hier je suis tombé sur le blog de Christophe Lefevre. Il s'y trouve un article sur le métier de blogueur. Mon regard s'est porté sur la colonne de droite (toujours la colonne de droite) et j'y ai trouvé un badge qui m'était inconnu. C'est un badge de vibstars.


Vibstars se définit comme une plateforme de SocialBuzzing. Ma perception est que Vibstars prend le meilleur du social bookmarking, du buzz à la Digg ou Scoopeo et du micro-blogging à la Twitter. Intéressant même si je ne vois pas encore comment l'utiliser concrètement. Je pense qu'il me faudrait plus d'amis dans mon réseau. C'est plus intéressant que Twitter car on peut lancer des conversations autours de sujets qui pointent clairement sur un URL. On peut aussi voter, cela fait émerger les dicussions les plus populaires.

Mon profil est ici : http://vibstars.com/wall/316-jean-francois-declercq. Vous avez tout de suite une idée du nombre de membres...


Continuant ma découverte des développements de Bleebot, j'ai également découvert Blogasty. Blogasty est un digg-like dédié aux blogs. Cela permet de re-poster un article de votre blog vers la communeauté Blogasty. Les autres membres peuvent voter pour votre billet et si celui-ci est populaire il arrive en Home Page. Voir A propos de Blogasty.

Du Web2.0 belge

Blogasty et Vibstars sont deux plateformes Web2.0 dans le plus pur style et par ce billet je voudrais féliciter leurs createurs. Et en plus, c'est du Belge...
There is something I find weird on Google's site.

I often use Google Maps. If I type http://www.google.be/maps/, than Google returns a 404 error page because the page doesn't exist. The correct page is http://www.google.be/maps without the '/'.

But wait a minute, if I search for anything in Google, it seems to know what I mean : "Did you mean ?" But apparently not in the case of an hazardeous Google Maps URL on their own site...

They could maybe reroute the 404 page to "I'm feeling lucky" with the url as parameter ?

|| >> June 2008 >>